During my senior year, I was on Weight Watchers to lose some of those extra pounds for my upcoming wedding. I followed the plan exactly, and all my hard work paid off because I lost about 25 pounds. The one thing I craved the entire diet, was these BYU Mint Brownies. I made a deal with myself that if I followed my diet to a T, I would reward myself with one of these bad boys on graduation day.
So after graduation, Alex and I raced over to the Wilkinson Center (in high heals, no less) only to see that they were SOLD OUT! So I left BYU never getting my one last BYU Mint Brownie. I was bitter for a very long time . . .
Fast forward five months, and I am married, working in Chicago, and still craving them. Alex was in England, and I was lonely and could not think of any better way to cheer myself up than having one (I'm an emotional eater, if you couldn't already tell). So I began an internet search in hopes of finding a copy-cat recipe. Lo and behold, the Lord (or maybe it was Google) answered my prayers when the first hit I received was the published recipe on the BYU Alumni website!
So my friends, I am sharing it with you! They aren't exactly the same, but pretty darn close (I think my mint extract is a different flavoring than what they use) I would absolutely recommend doubling the frosting recipe for these!

Photo Credit: http://magazine.byu.edu/?a=1373&act=view&p=1702
BYU Mint Brownies
1 c. margarine
1/2 c. cocoa
2 Tbsp. honey
4 eggs
2 c. sugar
1 3/4 c. flour
1/2 Tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 c. chopped walnuts
12 oz. chocolate icing (Use your own icing recipe or purchase some chocolate frosting. You can also search the Internet for chocolate icing recipes.)
Mint Icing
5 Tbsp. margarine
dash of salt
3 Tbsp. milk
1 Tbsp. light corn syrup
2 1/3 c. powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. mint extract
1-2 drops green food coloring
1. Melt margarine and mix in cocoa. Allow to cool. Add honey, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix well. Add nuts. Pour batter into a greased 9-by-13 baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Cool.
2. Prepare mint icing: Soften margarine. Add salt, corn syrup, and powdered sugar. Beat until smooth and fluffy. Add mint extract and food coloring. Mix. Add milk gradually until the consistency is a little thinner than cake frosting.
3. Spread mint icing over brownies. Place brownies in the freezer for a short time to stiffen the icing. Remove from the freezer and carefully add a layer of chocolate icing.
Amy's Rating: 9/10
Alex's Rating:
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